Sutton Store Hours
8:30 am - 4 pm Wed-Fri
8:30 am - 8 pm Sat
(931) 653-4151
Other Attractions
11 am - 3 pm Wed-Fri
11 am - 5 pm Sat
(931) 653-4151
Genealogy Festival Schedule
Saturday, April 10, 2021
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Genealogy Festival – Recognizing Huff and Myers Families – Located at Granville Museum Exhibition Room and Granville United Methodist Church
9:00 am to 10:00 am - Set up Family Genealogy Tables at Granville Museum
Exhibition Room
10:00 am – 12:00 pm – "Sharing Huff Family Research". Informal discussion with James Clemons. Granville Museum Office
10:00 am – 3:00 pm - Learn about family genealogy and how to conduct research about your own family at Granville Museum Exhibition room. This year's event features the Huff and Myers families.
10:00 am – “Historical Fiction Storytelling: The Pioneer Travels of the First Families Founding Granville." Liz Huff Bennett, Speaker. Granville United Methodist Church.
11:00 pm – “Validating Your Genealogy Research with Tips for Success" - Anna Stout Stephenson, Speaker. Granville United Methodist Church.
1:00 pm – "Genealogical Manhunt: Finding Scattered Clues, Funny Stories, and Chasing Illusive Ancestors." Karen Hall Sarraga, Speaker. Granville United United Methodist Church.
Get Involved!
Visit Booths at Granville Museum
Find a Grave - Sam Moore
Family History Research - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Take advantage of designated spaces at the Granville Museum and the Granville Event Center for family chats.
Many visitors come to the Granville Museum seeking genealogical information about their ancestors. You can help and get reacquainted by sharing your genealogical research.
Reserve a Family Genealogy Booth where you can share your research with others on April 10th.
Complete the registration below and mail to address shown on the form or email detailed information listed on the form to
Huff-Myers Family Reunion Lunch
Sunday, April 11th 12:30 pm. Cost $12.
For Reservations Call 931-653-4544
or email
Following the Luncheon, family will meet at Pendleton Huff homeplace in the Huff Hollow.
“The Legacy of Granville, Tennessee: A Riverboat Town”. Purchase this 375 page book at Granville Museum or Sutton General Store for $22.00
Genealogy Festival Reservation - Please send to Granville Museum, P. O. Box 26, Granville, TN 38564
Call 931-653-4151 to Reserve a Booth
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________ City: _______________________ State: ______ Zip: ___________
Phone: _________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________
Yes _______ Reserve a Genealogy Booth for me at the Genealogy Festival
Surnames in my genealogy: ____________________________________________________________________________________